Need a creative spin doctor? A part time communications manager? Coaching for your internal communication department?
Sparring in general? A firestarter? Spark plug? Whatever your situation and need is, ‘comsulting’ is an effective way to take steps in the right direction saving time, money and opportunities before entering a high cost project with a contractor.
Polariz offer a great palette of products in the communications world and in the advisory process, integrity comes first - meaning our own services come second.
Admittedly, it is a fine line that balances on proof of experiences.
Coaching and sparring
Mikkel Hartvig Andersen has tutored and spoken to all kinds of audiences within his fields of competences. Several courses and publications has come out of his hand and custom made sessions can be held depending on the demands. LEGO, Reklameskolen, TIKO, Berlingske and others have all designed custom courses for employees and clients on communication disciplines from craft related issues to more general aspects of communication.
Initial meeting for free
Whatever kind of interest or specific competence that may have caught your attention, do not hesitate to set up an initial meeting. You will not be charged by any advices or recommandations of that particulal meeting. For clients outside the Copenhagen suburban areas, terms of travel expenses will be dealt with on a meeting-to-meeting basis.
Internal agency?
There are many fine arguments by having an internal marketing department and associated practical services. One of the cassical 'lacks' in these setups is the fact, that the involved staff are mentally 'confined' within its own conventions and solutions and eventually will lose creative dynamics. Could your company use an external firestarter?